Offering to every hospitality professional and employee social tools to share experiences, exchange opinions and propose business projects. Forging and nourishing worthwhile working relations, but still maintaining the benefit that has characterized the brand identity up to now: allowing free room exchanges among Hotel Owners and General Managers. This is the direction taken by, the first Room Swap & Hospitality Global Network. All members, in addition to writing messages, chatting and starting discussion topics, will be able now to add colleagues to their contacts list, communicate with them through the wall and show their skills and work experiences.

The room swap function for Hotel Owners and General Managers still remains. Since the website launch in January 2013 the newspapers and sectoral blogs interested in the Roomize phenomenon have increased. El País, La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, Booking Blog, Hotelier Middle East, Pianeta Hotel, Tnooz, Travel Quotidiano, TecnoHotel just to quote some of them. Thus the appointment to discover the new evolution of Roomize is scheduled on November 4th in London, World Travel Market location.

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